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Exit here for "Global Spring"

Oct 10, 2011

In my class at the university we are examining the Arab Spring. At a time when a growing movement is spreading through the United States, our leaders and representatives would do well to read the signs.  More than one protester attributes a healthy dose of inspiration to the young people in the Arab world. This cross-pollination may indicate a global mood for change. And the movement in the U.S. is also gaining momentum via social media tools.  Social media tools made fools of those in power in more than one Arab state. Just as on the Arab street, we see people on the U.S. street who rely on an alternative means of solidarity and identity.  We might be seeing the early winds of a Global Spring as young people around the world are responding to systems long-held in imbalanced and unfair practices.  The young people have found their own means of communication and democracy and it does not adhere to the traditional structures that are the bulls eye of their protests. The growing movement "Occupy Wall Street" has captured the national narrative.  Yet, institutions and political actors are staking out positions so as to counter the rising sentiment.   A friend of mine has shared that the general sense from inside Wall Street has run along the lines of, "Protesters? What protesters?"  And reports from inside the Washington beltway indicate responses along the lines of, "They don't know what they want" or "They aren't organized, too many issues, no focus." And the most common reaction is, "They don't have a leader". Not an organized movement?  Precisely! A clear indication that the protests are tapping in to a sentiment that is already present within the country since fall 2008, the onset of the Great Recession. Too many issues?  Get real.  The issues are about a dysfunctional (corrupt?) political system, the lack of jobs, and the misuse (lack of proper enforcement?) of financial regulation.  Those in power need to get real about the reality for voting Americans. The tone deafness is a sheer protectionist response.  Exactly what the protests are attacking.   Don't have a leader?  This is the same pattern we saw in the Arab world.  This is not about personality.  This is about a protest against the status quo, a status quo that is ignoring the needs of the voting public. This is democracy in action and at its best.  This is about the demand for representation, not lip service. Are we seeing a Global Spring?


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I am excited to see the changes the next generation brings. My kids are in or just about to enter college. They communicate constantly and are on top of many issues through sources that many of the older generations aren’t listening to. The older generations are still allowing mainstream edited media tell them what to think and feel, but the younger generations will be deciding after hearing and seeing unedited news. Watch out world – changes are a comin!

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