Get a real strategy
Aug 11, 2011
Get a real strategy. Wow, watching 112th Congress work together (not!) on the debt ceiling was quite an education. There was no other way to retain any sense of equilibrium other than to see it as an education. As parties vied for position and power, I was struck by the apparent lack of strategy on the part of the Tea Party congress members. The Tea Partiers have indeed served the country through their determined focus on the debt. Where they failed to serve the country was in not knowing how to use the leverage they had gained. Tactics, yes, they exhibited tactics. But where was the rest of the strategy? A real strategy would have obtained leverage and then used it to gain real reform in the budget. If there had been an actual strategy, once leverage was obtained, exercising it to reach the goal would have been the next step. The budget problems were created over a span of time. The Tea Party naivite was akin to one setting out to lose weight, going to the gym with determination, and working out to the point of injury. The expectation for immediate results (reform) dictated the Tea Party discourse and position. What they are working for is not in and of itself, wrong-headed. The execution, however, was short-sighted. Legislating involves a good deal more. The attempt to reach a deficit deal as part of raising the debt ceiling resulted in an injury to the country. The stock markets have yet to recover from both the domestic and global reaction. The display of our political process in Washington on the part of all actors was discouraging and undignified. The Tea Partiers gained leverage, but also poisoned the well. The result was a magnification of the already polarized climate. Thus, working together, a key requirement in the work place, was almost non-existent. A real strategy would have meant letting go of the moralizing stance so as to build a climate that permitted cooler heads to address the problem and commit to real budget reform- not for the good of a party, but for the good of the country. What the Tea Party voice in D.C. doesn't realize is that as they exercised their power, the real power players used them.
Previous comments made:
September 7, 2011 at 8:55 am
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