Jesus Did Not Have A Laptop Part II
Jun 21, 2012
Why does it matter that Jesus did not have a laptop? Simply because it strikes at the heart of the ongoing struggle between religious traditions and the realities of evolution. If Jesus showed up today and used a laptop, the clergy within the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith (CDF) would likely condemn his (Jesus) activities. When the CDF confines it's pronouncements to an interpretation made through a myopic lens from the desk at the Vatican, there is going to be conflict with the actual practice of the faith. What is needed today is adaptation not contraction. Adaptation does not infer a relinquishment of those traditions which mark the Roman Catholic expression of Christianity but instead represents a spiritual intelligence necessary for leading human beings. Contraction is a sure sign of smallness for Love is able to embrace and expand. When the institution evidences protectionism in its attacks against the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) in the United States and Fr. Flannery in Ireland, there is a sure indication of contraction within the leadership. Contraction and Vatican nepotism continues to ensure that the fresh air of Vatican II will not reach its full expression. Granted, Vatican II was executed poorly during the 1960's but that is not justification for a crack down on organizations or persons who are simply stating the realities at the nexus point of faith and reality. Hierarchical mechanistic systems are to be evaluated in every corporate institution. But in this case the corporate system exists for the purposes of uplifting the faithful, spreading the mission of Jesus, and working tirelessly for social justice for all peoples. The current stance and style that the Church is taking is counter-productive to the aims of 'bringing the kingdom of God" to the world. The Catholic Church is clearly more interested in preserving its hierarchical system than bringing the message and model of Jesus to people. Jesus himself bucked the systems that existed during his time. The LCWR , Fr. Flannery, and many others are to be studied for their courage and faithfulness to the faith that was formed as a result of the words and actions of Jesus.
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