Let the Veterans lead
Nov 14, 2011
This November 11, 2011 our nation honored veterans from wars past and present. Throughout the week, radio and television programs highlighted the realities of the servicemen and women whose lives are forever changed by the experience of war. Focus was also placed on the families of veterans who are deeply impacted and scarred as a result of the deaths, injuries, long deployments, and challenges to integrate into a largely civilian population. One of the contributing factors of veteran depression and even suicide is the inability to secure a job. Here is what I think. The travesty of the unemployed is damaging our country in myriad spheres. The effects of long-term unemployment will have consequences for years. But we must consider how our nation arrived at this current recession. In part, it was due to the monetizing of the human experience. The role of a citizen was to consume. Health care costs were tied to corporate profits. The hallmark of the American experience was in large part based upon how much stuff was acquired. This was so pervasive a theme President Bush encouraged citizens to "shop" in the aftermath of 9/11. Consumerism defined the culture. Now we must redefine the culture. It is time to recognize that while money and materials are important, there is more to the human experience, much more. Veterans understand many core qualities that must be re-invigorated within the American culture. We must let the vets lead our country forward. Our nation must once again find the values of loyalty, shared sacrifice, a sense of mission, and service. These core qualities are missing as citizens feel vulnerability in the current environment of instability, hopelessness at lack of leadership in D. C., and uncertainty about the future. Let the vets lead. They have more to contribute to our culture in the workplace and in the community than is realized. Care for our vets. Let them heal and then let them lead the nation in to the future.
Previous comments made:
November 14, 2011 at 3:22 pm
consumerism has been going on since the 80’s. This recession has everything to do with that. The Community Reinvestment Act, in my opinion, was the beginning. Homeownership is not a necessity or a right. Re: Vets, again agree wholeheartedly!
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