Really Mr. President?
Aug 12, 2011
Really Mr. President? The U.S. stock market has exhibited a downward spiral that sent Americans and others around the world in to a state of uncertainty about the future and fear about the present. The debt ceiling deal did not calm the markets and the reality of globalization rang 'round the world. The economic strength of the U.S is not just about the broken political system in Washington, it is also about the strength of our trading partners. So, Mr. President when it was announced that you were to give a speech on August 8, 2011, I was ready to listen. But, really? That was it? Okay, I get it that you have been the adult in the middle of the squabbling. I get it that it that the deal was brutal, really brutal. But being the adult is just not enough right now. Your country needs you to be a leader. And a leaded does more than just describe the problem. You described the problem accurately in your speech. But so could have millions of other Americans who see the problem clearly. Mr. President, you have a unique position and that means just describing a problem will just not do. A leader sees the problem and then lifts everyone else out of the perspective of the problem. Think of it this way. You are the largest boat in the harbor. You carry a lot of weight. Did you forget that? See, when you move, it affects every other boat in the harbor. You need to lift all the boats so that they are conversing about the problem in a new way. You need to be the one who lifts all boats so that this country has a promising future. I respectfully say, "That is your job, Mr. President. You have to do what no one else can because, well, you're the President." Mr. President, I want you to succeed. No, I need you to succeed. My future is inextricably linked to the future of the United States. So, please... the way forward is for you to step up and be a leader, not just the adult in the room. When you have the attention of the country, please cease giving speeches about the problems in Washington, only to describe the problem. Believe me, we see the problem. We need you to be a leader!
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