Try Walking The Other Way
Feb 27, 2012
Typically my blog posts focus on domestic and international affairs. But another feature of what is offered through Out of the Box International is Coaching Services. Recently I took on a new client and needed some time to reflect about her specific purpose for hiring me. My best place for planning, thinking, ruminating, reflecting is while walking on a nearby trail. And on this particular day I decided to walk the trail in reverse. I just needed a change. I have walked this trail hundreds of times yet as I rounded a corner, the scenery looked unfamiliar. Every thing was different from this vantage point. I was surprised that the trail felt new in places and I marveled at how much I hadn't known from the reverse direction. vistas, new vegetation, new landmarks were popping up all along the trail. It was a new experience simply because I walked the other way. It was an enjoyable surprise. It also came to my awareness that this is one strong facet of why coaching is a powerful tool. A person might be so familiar with viewing life through patterns and habits that a sense of "stuckness" sets in. Many of my clients come to me because they are stuck, unable to see new choices, or are at a loss for options. Their lives have become dulled in the absence of a fresh perspective. When I am invited to look at their issues, predicaments, or "stuckness", it is similar to walking in reverse because I see things from an entirely different vantage point. It brings newness and freshness. So here is a coaching tip for you. Try Walking the Other Way through your life circumstances and see if something looks different. You might find out that it opens up a whole new set of possibilities. Interested in coaching?
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